Graduate students who enter the University’s graduate programs are undertaking a serious effort to further their education.  It is expected that they will make every effort to complete their graduate courses during the semester.  However, in rare circumstances, graduate students may encounter medical emergencies or the death of immediate family members that prevent them from completing their coursework.  The following policy defines the process that these students will use to appeal their tuition, the circumstances that will be considered, and the approving authorities for the appeal.


Graduate Tuition and Fees represent the costs of attending graduate programs at the Metropolitan State University of Denver and are intended to be self-funded programs.

Graduate Tuition and Fee Appeal: an appeal that may be filed with the Office of the Bursar when extenuating circumstances occur during the semester that prevents the student from completing their coursework.

Medical Emergency is a severe medical illness or serious injury that involves either the student or an immediate family member.  Immediate family members include spouses, children, and parents.

Death is a death involving an immediate family member. Immediate family members include spouses, children, parents, and siblings.

Appeal Process

Students are required to either drop their courses or withdraw from them prior to filing a tuition appeal form.  Students will need to work with the Office of the Registrar to obtain an Administrative Withdrawal (AW) if they are withdrawing after the published academic drop/withdrawal dates. Students may not appeal courses that they received a passing grade or Incomplete for.

Students will submit the appeal and supporting documentation to the Office of the Bursar.  The Bursar’s Office will work with the appropriate Graduate department to evaluate the appeals.  Both the Department  and the Bursar must authorize approved appeals.  All decisions will be made within 30 days of the submission.

Only appeals for a Medical Emergency or Death will be considered.  Appeals based on job changes or other life events will not be considered.  Military deployments are processed by the University’s Veteran’s Affairs office. Graduate students may only appeal one semester during their time at MSU Denver. Appeals must be submitted before the conclusion of the Semester following the Medical Emergency or Death.

Students must provide a detailed explanation of the extenuating circumstances for their appeal. In addition to your typed explanation, please provide the following documentation:

Medical – For a severe medical illness or serious injury involving yourself or an immediate family member, you must submit a signed doctor’s statement on letterhead that specifies the date(s) medical condition began and/or worsened and whether, in the doctor’s professional opinion, it warrants a withdrawal from classes. Billing statements or office visit summaries cannot be accepted as required documentation.

Death – For the death of an immediate family member during the semester, you must submit a dated newspaper clipping or funeral notice which includes your name, or certificate of death.

Approved appeals will be processed as follows:

  • If the issue occurs in the first 25 percent of the term, the student will receive a 75 percent reduction in tuition and a 100 percent reduction in fees.
  • If the issue occurs between the first 25 percent and 75 percent of the term, the student will receive a 50 percent reduction in tuition and a 100 percent reduction in fees.
  • If the issue occurs after completing 75 percent of the term, the student will receive a 25 percent reduction in tuition and a 100 percent reduction in fees.

Click on the link below to open the Graduate Tuition and Fees Appeal Form:

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