Academic Policies Committee Bylaws
Budget Committee Bylaws
Curriculum Committee
ESSJ Committee Bylaws
Faculty Awards of Excellence Committee Bylaws
Faculty Diversity Committee Bylaws
Faculty Welfare Committee Bylaws
General Studies Committee Bylaws
Professional Leave Committee Bylaws
Rules Committee Bylaws
RPT Committee Bylaws
Student Affairs Committee Bylaws

Article I - Officers and their Duties

Section 1 President.

It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings and to carry out the policies and procedures of the Senate as defined in the Constitution and Bylaws. The President of the Senate shall chair the Executive Committee of the Senate. Further, the President is empowered to represent the Senate, and thus the faculty, by attending and participating in meetings of administrative councils and committees and all other such bodies whose duties, responsibilities, and/or statutory authority may give rise to issues of concern to the faculty.

The President represents all faculty. The President serves as a facilitator at Faculty Senate meetings. The department that the President represents shall elect an additional senator who will serve as a senator while the President serves as President.


Section 2 Vice President.

It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to assume all duties of the office as defined in the Constitution and Bylaws, and to assume the duties of the President in absence of the President.


Section 3 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore.

In the event of the absence of both the President and the Vice-President at any meeting of the Senate, the order of succession shall be the Secretary, followed by the Chairs of the Standing Committees in order as identified in Sections 11 through 19.


Section 4 Secretary.

All resolutions and proceedings of the meetings of the Senate and Executive Committee shall be recorded by the Secretary or a designated recorder. The Secretary, Faculty Senate Assistant, or designee shall keep a roster of the members of the Senate and members of the Committees of the Senate.

Article II - Conduct of Senate Meetings

Section 1 Regular Meetings.

The Senate shall meet at least once each calendar month during the spring and fall semesters and may meet during the summer if quorum is available. The Executive Committee shall schedule meetings at a time when the largest number of Senators is available.

1.1 Meetings Held Electronically
Some particular meeting or meetings of Faculty Senate shall be held electronically when motioned and moved by the Senate, passed by a two-thirds vote.

1.1.1 Login Information
Three days before each meeting, the Assistant to the Faculty Senate shall e-mail each Senator the virtual link and any codes/passwords necessary to connect to the Internet meeting platform; and the call in (audio only) number and access code(s) a Senator or guest would need to participate by telephone.

1.1.2 Login time
The Assistant to the Faculty Senate shall ensure active online connectivity (via the link provided to Senators) is available at least 15 minutes before the start of each meeting.

1.1.3 Signing in and out
Senators shall identify themselves by logging onto to the meeting and signing the attendance sheet by means of the link provided in the chat and shall maintain Internet and audio access throughout the meeting whenever present. Senators must sign out upon any departure before adjournment.

1.1.4 Quorum calls
The Senate Parliamentarian shall establish the presence of a quorum by means of a count of Senators who signed the attendance sheet. Thereafter, the continued presence of a quorum shall be determined by the online list of participating Senators, unless any Senator demands a quorum count by audible roll call.

1.1.5 Technical requirements and malfunctions
Each Senator is responsible for their audio/video monitoring and Internet connections; no action shall be invalidated on the grounds that the loss of, or poor quality of, a Senator’s individual connection prevented participation in the Senate meeting.

1.1.6 Forced disconnections
The President may cause or direct the disconnection or muting of a Senator’s connection if it is causing undue interference with the Senate meeting. The President’s decision to do
so, which is subject to an undebatable appeal that can be made by any Senator, shall be announced during the meeting and recorded in the minutes.

1.1.7 Assignment of the floor
To seek recognition by the President, a Senator shall send a private chat message to the Parliamentarian, or their designee. The Parliamentarian, or their designee will notify the President to assign the floor to the Senator who is first in line for seeking recognition.

1.1.8 Interrupting a member
A Senator who intends to make a motion or request that under the rules may interrupt a speaker shall send a private chat message to the Parliamentarian, or their designee for so indicating. The Parliamentarian, or their designee will notify the President of the Senator’s desired action. The Senator shall thereafter wait a reasonable time for the President’s instructions before attempting to interrupt the speaker by voice.

1.1.9 Motions submitted in writing
A member intending to make a main motion, to offer an amendment, or to propose instruction to a committee, shall, before or after being recognized, post the motion in writing to the Parliamentarian, or their designee, preceded by the member’s name and a number corresponding to how many written motions the member has so far posted during the meeting (e.g. “SMITH 3:”). Use of the chat function shall be restricted to posting the text of intended motions and voting forms.

1.1.10 Display of motions
The Assistant to Faculty Senate shall designate an online area exclusively for the display of the immediately pending question and other relevant pending questions (such as the main motion, or the pertinent part of the main motion, when an amendment to it is immediately pending); and, to the extend feasible, the Assistant to Faculty Senate, or any assistant appointed by them for this purpose, shall cause such questions, or any other documents that are currently before the meeting for action or information, to be displayed therein until disposed of.

1.1.11 Voting
Voting will be conducted by ballot via Microsoft Forms to ensure anonymity and that only Senators are voting, unless a different method is ordered by the Executive Committee or required by the rules. When required or ordered, other permissible methods of voting are by electronic roll call or by audible roll call. The announcement by the Assistant to Faculty Senate, or any assistant appointed by them for this purpose, of the voting result shall include the number of Senators voting on each side of the question and the number, if any, who explicitly respond to acknowledge their presence without casting a vote. Business may also be conducted by unanimous consent.

1.1.12 Video Display
A video of the Faculty Senate President should be displayed throughout the meeting, along with the video of the member currently recognized to speak or report.

1.2 Meetings Held in a Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) Format. One or more meetings of Faculty Senate shall be held in a HyFlex format where Senators can participate in meetings either in-person or in an online synchronous format, when motioned and moved by the Senate, passed by a two-thirds vote.

1.2.1 Login Information. Three days before each meeting, the Assistant to the Faculty Senate shall e-mail each Senator the electronic platform link and passwords necessary to connect to the meeting electronically; and the call in (audio only) number and access code(s) a Senator or guest would need to participate by telephone.

1.2.2 Login time. The Assistant to the Faculty Senate shall ensure active online connectivity (via the link provided to Senators) is available at least 15 minutes before the start of each meeting.

1.2.3 Signing in and out. Senators attending meetings in-person or online will affirm their attendance by signing the electronic attendance sheet, by means of the link provided in the chat.

1.2.4 Quorum calls. The Senate Parliamentarian, or their designee, shall establish the presence of a quorum by means of a count of Senators who have signed the attendance sheet. Thereafter, the continued presence of a quorum shall be determined by the number of Senators attending in-person plus an electronic list of participating Senators, unless any Senator demands a quorum count by audible roll call.

1.2.5 Technical requirements and malfunctions. Each Senator participating in the meeting electronically is responsible for their audio/video monitoring and Internet connections; no action shall be invalidated on the grounds that the loss of, or poor quality of, a Senator’s individual connection prevented participation in the Senate meeting.

1.2.6 Forced disconnections. The President may cause or direct the disconnection or muting of a Senator’s connection if it is causing undue interference with the Senate meeting. The President’s decision to do so, which is subject to an undebatable appeal that can be made by any Senator, shall be announced during the meeting and recorded in the minutes.

1.2.7 Assignment of the floor. To seek recognition by the President, a Senator shall notify the Parliamentarian, or their designee. A Senator participating in person shall physically approach the Parliamentarian, or their designee, for so indicating, registering their name in the process. A Senator participating electronically shall send a private chat message to the Parliamentarian, or their designee for so indicating. The Parliamentarian, or their designee will notify the President to assign the floor to the Senator who is first in line for seeking recognition.

1.2.8 Interrupting a member. A Senator who intends to make a motion or make a point of order shall notify the Parliamentarian, or their designee. A Senator participating in person shall physically approach the Parliamentarian, or their designee, for so indicating, registering their name in the process. A Senator participating electronically shall send a private chat message to the Parliamentarian, or their designee for so indicating. The Parliamentarian, or their designee will notify the President of the Senator’s desired action.

1.2.9 Motion submission. When attending a meeting through an electronic platform, a Senator intending to make a main motion, to offer an amendment, or to propose instruction to a committee, shall, before or after being recognized, post the motion in writing to the Parliamentarian, or their designee. If the member is attending a meeting in person, the motion shall be spoken by the member and transcribed by the Parliamentarian, or their designee, and posted in the electronic platform. Use of the chat function in electronic platform may be used to post the text of the intended motions and shall be used to post links to the attendance sheet and voting polls/ballots..

1.2.10 Display of motions. The Assistant to Faculty Senate shall designate a virtual area exclusively for the display of the immediate pending question and other relevant pending questions (such as the main motion, or the pertinent part of the main motion, when an amendment to it is immediately pending); and, to the extent feasible, the Assistant to Faculty Senate, or any assistant appointed by them for this purpose, shall cause such questions, or any other documents that are currently before the meeting for action or information, to be displayed therein until disposed of. The same information shall be posted in a video display visible to all members attending a meeting in person.

1.2.11 Voting. Voting for members participating in a Hyflex meeting will be conducted via Microsoft Forms, or similar system, to ensure anonymity and that only Senators are voting, unless a different method is ordered by the Executive Committee. Final vote totals from all members, shall be calculated by the Assistant to Faculty Senate, or any assistant appointed by them for this purpose. The announcement by the Assistant to Faculty Senate, or any assistant appointed by them for this purpose, of the voting result shall include the number of members voting on each side of the question and the number, if any, who explicitly respond to acknowledge their presence without casting a vote. Business may also be conducted by unanimous consent.

1.2.12 Video Display. A video of the Faculty Senate President shall be displayed throughout the meeting for all members participating, to the extent possible. Members participating electronically and in person shall have access to a video of the member currently recognized to speak, to the extent possible. Members participating electronically and in person shall also have access to a video display that includes the immediately pending question and other relevant pending questions; and, to the extent feasible, the Assistant to Faculty Senate, or any assistant appointed by them for this purpose, shall cause such questions, or any other documents that are currently before the meeting for action or information, to be displayed therein until disposed of.


Section 2 Special Meetings.

Special meetings shall be called by the President, by the Executive Committee, by a majority vote of the Senate, or by written demand of fifteen Senators. Only business mentioned in the notice shall be transacted at the special meeting.


Section 3 Quorum.

A majority of the members of the Senate shall constitute a quorum authorized to transact any business duly presented at any meeting of the Senate.


Section 4 Notice of Meetings.

The President shall be responsible for developing an agenda for each regular meeting, and the agenda shall be distributed to the Senators three (3) days prior to the meeting.

4.1 All action items to come before the Faculty Senate must be presented in writing to each Senator three (3) days prior to action. In case of urgency, the Senate shall vote to consider item as an emergency item.


Section 5 Order of Business.

The order of business for all regular Senate meetings shall be according to the agenda developed by the President. The order of business may be changed by a two-thirds affirmative vote.


Section 6 Guests of the Senate (updated 11/12/2020)

A non-member of the Senate shall be allowed to address the Senate before or during official Senate business should the topic of discussion be relevant to the agenda as determined by the Executive Committee. Should the non-member’s topic of discussion not align with the topics of the Senate meeting’s discussion, they shall be scheduled to address the Senate after official topics have been discussed.

6.1 Non-member participation shall be determined on a first come first serve basis as determined by the Executive Committee

6.2 Non-members shall send documentation and/or a short video submission outlining their topic of discussion to Senate at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled Senate meeting.

6.2.1 The Senate President may present topics on behalf of guests as determined by the Executive Committee.

6.3 A non-member request to address senate within three (3) days of a Senate meeting shall be allowed to participate in the discussion of business upon majority vote of the Senate, or the Senate Executive Committee.


Section 7 Campus Closure Policy

Should campus close due to weather, or any other reason, the same day as a regularly scheduled Faculty Senate meeting, and there is critical business to attend to on the agenda, it is the discretion of the President to still hold the regularly scheduled meeting virtually. The President will notify all Faculty Senators via email no later than 7 hours prior to the start time of the regularly scheduled meeting. If campus closes after 7 hours prior to the regularly scheduled meeting, then the meeting is canceled for that day.

Article III - Election of Senate Standing Committees

Section 1 Eligibility.

Any member is eligible to be a member of any Senate committee unless otherwise indicated in the Bylaws, provided there is compliance with the conditions stated in ARTICLE IV Section 8 of the Bylaws. The Secretary of the Senate, or their designee shall have the duty of determining the eligibility of each member of each standing committee and the Secretary shall report to the Senate whether or not the members are eligible to serve on the Standing Committees.


Section 2 Membership on Committees.

Membership on each standing committee of the Senate shall be indicated in the bylaws specific to that committee. For committees with representatives equal to or more than the number of principal academic subdivisions, each principal academic subdivision shall have a number of representatives equal to the integer quotient of the number of committee members divided by the number of principal  academic subdivisions. For committees with representatives less than the number of principal academic subdivisions, all committee member shall be elected from the Senate at large.

2.1 The Senate shall have authority to determine what principal academic subdivisions it will be composed of, by the bylaw process. Each principal academic subdivision shall have its own caucus.

2.2 In exercising its authority under 2.1, the Senate shall give due consideration to the preferences of all the departments concerned.

2.3 Whenever the caucus of a principal academic subdivision shall come to exceed 30 members, the Senate shall vote on whether and how to divide that principal academic subdivision.

2.4 Whenever a principal academic subdivision shall be split into two administrative units by the University, the Senate shall vote on whether to divide it along those lines.

2.5 At the start of the 2023-24 School Year, the principal academic subdivisions shall be: Applied Sciences (AVS, CJC, CS, EAET, IND, SOH), Arts and Humanities (ART, ENG, HIS, MDL, MUS, PHI, THAD), the College of Business (ACC, CIS, ECO, FIN, MGT, MKT), Health (HEP, ESS, NUR, NUT, SWK, SLHS), Math & Sciences (BIO, CHEM, EAS, MAST, PHYS, PSYC), and Social Sciences (AFS, CHS, COMM, GITA, JMP, PSC, SOAN, SOE)

2.6 Each standing committee shall have at least as many members as there are principal academic subdivisions.


Section 3 Elections.

Election of members to Senate committees shall be conducted by the Senators from each principal academic subdivision in a caucus held prior to the last Senate meeting of the spring. At-large Senators shall be elected during the last Spring meeting. The Elections Committee shall be elected as the first order of business as the new Senate organizes.


Section 4 Terms of Office.

Terms of office on Senate committees are specified in Article IV, Section 8.

Article IV - Standing Committees of the Senate

Section 1 Composition.

There shall be such standing committees in the Senate as are designated in this ARTICLE.


Section 2 Organization.

The committees shall be organized after each annual election. The President of the Senate shall instruct the person whose name is alphabetically first among members of each committee, who has served on the committee at least one previous year, if possible, elect a chair within two (2) weeks of the election of the committee. The elected chairperson of each committee shall compile a list of all committee members and officers and shall present that list to the President of the Senate. A list of all committee rosters shall be distributed to each Senator.


Section 3 Committee Meetings.

Each committee shall schedule regular meetings as necessary to conduct its business. Meetings may be called by the chairperson, by any two elected members, or by the Executive Committee. The chairperson shall present reports and recommendations to the Senate. Standing committees have the right to either invite non-members or exclude non-members from committee meetings.


Section 4 Record of Meetings.

Each committee of the Senate and each subcommittee shall maintain a written record of its activities.


Section 5 Committee Reports.

Each committee chairperson or member designated by the chairperson shall report to the Senate when necessary, its actions, if any. Each committee shall file an annual written report to the Secretary of the Senate no later than the second to last Senate meeting in Spring semester.


Section 6 Committee Participation.

Members of the committees shall participate in matters with which committees other than committees of the Senate are concerned as authorized by the Senate.


Section 7 Committees and Subcommittees.

Unless the provisions in these bylaws with reference to the membership in committees provide otherwise, committee members may be selected from the faculty at large, provided that there are no eligible and willing Senators available; however, Chairs of committees shall be members of the Senate. Standing committees have the right to create ad hoc committees and subcommittees which may include members of the faculty at large and advisory members. These subcommittees shall make recommendations to the committee that created it. Each committee shall notify the Senate of any such creation and present the charge and term of existence given at the first regular Senate meeting following that creation.


Section 8 Term of Office.

Membership shall be for a two-year term except for the Executive Committee. An objective for the composition of every committee shall be to provide for election of half the members each year.

8.1 Limitations on Committee Membership.
No Senate member may serve on more than two standing committees at one time. No Senator may serve on the same standing committee for more than two consecutive committee terms. The Executive Committee shall not be considered a standing committee when applying these rules.

8.2 Vacancies.
In the event of a vacancy on a standing committee, a member shall be selected by the Senators from the principal academic subdivision from which the vacancy occurred to fill the un-expired term. If the vacancy involves a member elected at large, the Senate shall elect a replacement.


Section 9

If any committee member is absent from three consecutive committee meetings, the Chair of the committee shall notify the Executive Committee and the Caucus Chair from the principal academic subdivision from which the absent member was selected. The committee member may be replaced in accordance with Section 8.2 In the case of an At Large committee member, the Chair will notify the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, which may replace the committee member in a Senate election.


Section 10 Executive Committee

10.1 Membership.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the Senate President, Vice President, Secretary, the Caucus Chairs, the Faculty Trustee, the chairpersons of all standing committees or their designees, the Faculty Senate Representative on the Graduate Council, and the elected CFAC representative from MSU Denver. The last person to serve as president of the Senate prior to the incumbent shall be a member of the Executive Committee, with vote, for a period of one year following their presidency. (Amended March 2020)

10.2 Term of Office.
One year or until their successors are qualified to replace them.

10.3 Duties.
The Committee shall consider such matters as fall within the jurisdiction of the Senate. The Committee shall set Senate agendas and act for the Senate between Senate meetings. The Committee is empowered to create such subcommittees and ad hoc committees as necessary to expedite the Committee’s business. They shall charge such issues as are requested to the Senate President for consideration to the appropriate committees of the Senate. (Amended March 2012)

The Committee shall meet at least once between each regular Senate meetings at the call of the President or at the demand of four (4) members.


Section 11 Rules Committee

11.1 Duties.
The Rules Committee shall:

11.1.1 Examine the Constitution and Bylaws for the purpose of recommending changes which would result in a more effective operation of the Senate.

11.1.2 Consider procedural problems at the written request of a committee of the Senate or President of the Senate.

11.1.3 Examine the staffing pattern at the beginning of the Spring Semester of each department to determine the number of Senators allocated by the Constitution in ARTICLE V and notify each department of the number allocated. This duty may be delegated to the staff working in the office of the Faculty Senate.

11.1.4 Serve as final authority on interpretation on the Constitution and Bylaws.

11.1.5 Appoint a Parliamentarian for the Senate.

11.1.6 Adjudicate jurisdictional disputes between/among committees, including but not limited to assignment of matters to standing committees.

11.1.7 Conduct the elections for President, Vice President, Secretary, and all standing committees at the last meeting of the spring semester.

11.1.8 Conduct other elections and voting at regular meetings as directed by the Senate.

11.1.9 Act as tellers.

11.1.10 Monitor all the elections processes and report any and all infractions to the Senate.

(Rules Committee absorbed election duties as of August 2023.)

11.2 Membership.
The Rules Committee shall consist of four (4) members chosen according to ARTICLE III, Section 2 of the Bylaws. (Amended April 2024)


Section 12 Elections Committee

Absorbed by the Instructional Resources Committee (March, 2016)

Absorbed by the Rules Committee (August 2023)


Section 13 Curriculum Committee

13.1 Duties.
The Curriculum Committee shall:

13.1.1 Have jurisdiction over all undergraduate and graduate curriculum proposals and make recommendations to the Senate concerning the undergraduate and graduate curriculum programs of the university, including, but not limited to:

a) degree programs
b) certificates
c) General Studies, Ethnic Studies and Social Justice, and Senior Experience requirements. The Curriculum Committee shall consider the recommendations of the General Studies and/or Ethnics Studies and Social Justice Curriculum Review Committees in their review of courses and programs.
d) courses granting college credit. Review of new and modified courses, and will also be reviewed at other levels as detailed in the Curriculum Manual.

d.1) Under the simultaneous review process a new or existing course proposed for new General Studies designation will be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee and the will also be forwarded to the General Studies Committee for review. A modification of an existing course with current General Studies designation will follow the same process. The General Studies Committee’s recommendation shall be considered by the Curriculum Committee for appropriate action.

d.2) Under the simultaneous review process a new or existing course proposed for new Ethnic Studies and Social Justice designation will be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee and the Ethnic Studies and Social Justice Curriculum Review Committee. A modification of an existing course with current Ethnic Studies and Social Justice and/or Multicultural designation will be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee and the Ethnic Studies and Social Justice Curriculum Review for appropriate action.

13.1.2 Review and make recommendations to the Senate for approval of all new degree programs, new minors, and new certificates.

13.1.3 Have the right to review all existing degree programs. This review may also be reviewed by the Academic Program Review Committee.

13.1.4 Review and make recommendations to the Senate for approval of discontinued degree programs, minors and certificates.

13.1.5 Have the right to refer curricular considerations to administrative offices.

13.1.6 Have the authority to resolve disputes over impacts between academic units that have not been resolved at the school or college level or by the Graduate Council. In such cases, the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee will exercise its jurisdiction over curriculum and adjudicate such disputes.

13.1.7 When the members of the Curriculum Committee who do not abstain are unanimous in their approval of a curriculum proposal, such approval will be announced to the Senate and accepted by the Senate as approved, so that the Committee vote may be recorded in the Senate minutes. Any Senator may, however, request a vote on any curriculum matter brought before the Senate.

13.1.8 When the Curriculum Committee is not unanimous in its support of a curriculum proposal, or unanimously agree a proposal requires further review from the Senate, the proposal will be brought before the Senate for a vote. Proposals that are not supported by the majority of those members of the Curriculum Committee who do not abstain will not be forwarded to the Senate, but will be returned to the originating department with reasons for the Committee’s action. Proposals may be withdrawn by the originating department at any time during the process.

13.1.9 The Curriculum Committee will review  transfer courses as detailed in the Curriculum Manual.

13.2 Membership.
The Curriculum Committee shall consist of nine (9) voting members, to be chosen according to ARTICLE III Section 2 of the Bylaws. It shall also include one advisory member, appointed by the Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs, a non-voting advisory administrator from the CAEPD Office one non-voting member from the Office of Graduate Studies, and one non-voting advisory member form then Office of the Registrar.

13.3 Student Representation.
The Chair of the Curriculum Committee shall communicate with the Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee of the Student Government: The Student Advocacy Council as is appropriate.

13.4 Records
The Chair of the Curriculum Committee, or the Assistant to the Faculty Senate shall maintain the following records: minutes of the meetings, agenda from the meetings, and all the memoranda sent to Academic Affairs.


Section 14 Academic Policies Committee

14.1 Duties.
The Academic Policies Committee shall make recommendations to the Senate on all matters related to both undergraduate and graduate academic standards, including, but not limited to:

a) Admissions criteria, awarding of transfer credit, and related practices not established by the State of Colorado or the Colorado Commission on Higher Education.
b) Curriculum, including degrees, majors, minors, certificates, general education, and teacher preparation programs.
c) Grading and assessment practices.
d) Course credit and contact hours.
e) Graduation requirements.
f) Instructional delivery methods, resources, and techniques as needed in collaboration with the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee
g) Research and other scholarly activities.
h) Academic ethics.
i) Report technical changes in the graduate and undergraduate catalogs.

14.2 Membership.
The Academic Policies Committee shall consist of Eight (8) voting members, to be chosen according to ARTICLE III Section 2 of the Bylaws. The Academic Policy Committee shall have one  (1) additional voting member appointed by the Council of Chairs and Directors. The Provost shall appoint six (6) representatives one to represent Academic Advising, one to represent the Office of the Registrar, one to represent Catalog and Curriculum Administration, one (1) to represent Financial Aid, one (1) to represent Graduate Studies, and one to represent  Academic Affairs. The Council of Deans shall appoint one (1) advisory member. The Student Advocacy Council (TSAC) shall appoint one (1) advisory member. The Office of Graduate Studies shall appoint one (1) graduate student advisory member so that the total membership shall number seventeen (17). (Amended April 2024)

14.3 Student Representation.
Omitted (February 2023)

14.4 Graduate Academic Policies
The Academic Policies Committee’s jurisdiction shall include university graduate academic policies as they relate to the duties described in Section 14.1 Duties. The Academic Policy Committee shall obtain the recommendations for graduate academic policies through the following procedure. (Amended November 2020)

14.4.1 Submission of Academic Policy by the Graduate Council: The representative from the Office of Graduate Studies or their designee will introduce new graduate academic policy proposals for the university policy library or the graduate catalog to the Academic Policy Committee for review. The Academic Policies Committee shall then approve or reject the proposal. The proposal will then be presented to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.

14.5 APC Emergency Procedures 

14.6.1 Meetings During Summer or Winter Break
The APC Chair may call an emergency APC voting session during the summer semester (or during Winter Break) if all of the following criteria are met:

a) The APC Chair must provide APC members with a minimum of one week’s notice before the start of the meeting.
b) The meeting must have a sufficient number of voting members to consitiute a quorum for a valid vote, And
c) The meeting must be in response to a proposed emergency university policy.

Participation in a Winter or Summer break emergency meeting shall be voluntary for the APC committee members and rules regarding absence from Faculty Senate committee meetings in Article V Section 9 of the Faculty Senate Bylaws shall not apply to such emergency meetings.

14.6.2 Delegation of Voting Authority to APC Chair During the Summer Semester or Winter Break
The APC Chair may vote on behalf of the committee in the following circumstances:

a) The APC Committee has voted to delegate authority to the Chair over the summer semester/winter break, Or
b) The University has declared financial exigency.

(Amended May 2021)

Section 15 Budget Committee

15.1 Duties.
The Budget Committee shall:

15.1.1 Advocate for consistent transparency in the university budget allocations/expenditures/processes and inform the Senate on budgetary matters of the University.

15.1.2 See that the faculty views are represented in the budgetary process of the University.

15.1.3 Receive budget questions from faculty members and, either: 1) provide the answers or the locations of the answers; or 2) present the question(s) to the Executive Committee with a recommendation for further action, which shall be determined at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

15.1.4 Make recommendations to the Senate concerning the amount and allocation of resources in the Faculty Senate budget. Through the Senate President, present recommendations for the Senate budget to Academic Affairs/the Office of the Provost. With the assistance of the Assistant to the Faculty Senate, monitor the Senate budget.

15.1.5 Along with the Senate President and university budget liaison, monitor and participate in the University budget process (whether through UPBAC, or through a subsequent equivalent body). Report to the Senate about important or controversial matters considered by UPBAC.

15.2 Membership.
The Budget Committee shall consist of four (4) members chosen according to ARTICLE III, Section 2 of the Bylaws and one (1) advisory member from the university budget office. (Amended May 2024)


Section 16 Faculty Welfare Committee

16.1 Duties.
The Faculty Welfare Committee shall make recommendations to the Senate on policies and practices concerning full-time and part-time faculty, including but not limited to:

16.1.1 Fringe Benefits

16.1.2 Retirement

16.1.3 Review the status of hiring, salaries, benefits, promotion and participation in University affairs of faculty employed at the University.

16.1.4 The status of faculty rights, including tenure, the prevailing climate for academic freedom, intellectual property rights, and faculty opportunity for participation in policy formation at the University.

16.1.5 The status of academic responsibilities of the faculty.

16.2 Membership.
The Faculty Welfare Committee shall consist of six (6) total members: three (3) members chosen according to Article III, section 2 of the Senate bylaws and three (3) affiliate Senators elected by the affiliate faculty. (Amended  April 2024)


Section 17 Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion Committee

17.1 Duties.
The duties of the Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion Committee shall include but not be limited to:

17.1.1 Making recommendations to the Senate concerning the policies, standards, procedures, and criteria for promotions.

17.1.2 Evaluating applications for promotion and making recommendations to the administration on candidates.

17.1.3 Making recommendations to the Senate concerning the policies, standards, procedures, and criteria involved in evaluating probationary faculty.

17.1.4 Evaluating applications for regular faculty status and making recommendations to the administration on whether or not such status should be granted.

17.1.5 Reviewing the system to determine recommendations for or against promotion by the Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion Committee the previous year and bringing to the Senate for its approval any changes that the Committee recommends. If no changes are recommended, the system used the previous year will be used.

17.2 Membership.
The Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion Committee shall consist of seven (7) members, to be chosen according to ARTICLE III Section2 of the Bylaws. Membership is restricted to tenured faculty who are not currently applying for promotion, nor are serving on a lower level RTP committee.

17.2.2 If a current member is applying for promotion, the member must resign from the committee by the Friday of the first full week of classes in the Fall semester, per the MSU Denver Handbook for Professional Personnel Section VII.C.3.b (Revised April 2009)

17.2.3.Committee Alternates: One (1) senator elected by the Senate at large to serve as an alternate for the Faculty Senate Reappointment, Tenure & Promotion Committee, with terms of service the same as the membership. Committee alternates will only be expected to review dossiers and vote when called upon to replace a senate committee member who is no longer able to serve. Committee alternates will not be involved in committee deliberations prior to actively serving on the committee. Committee alternates will not serve on a lower level RTP committee . The Senate Secretary is responsible to determine when it is necessary to replace a member with a committee alternate.


Section 18 Instructional Resources Committee

Duties absorbed by the Academic Policies Committee 4/17/2024
(Amended 4/12/2023. Rules Committee absorbed election duties as of 8/21/2023.)


Section 19 Student Affairs Committee

19.1 Duties.
The Student Affairs Committee shall:

19.1.1 make recommendations to the Senate concerning all problems relating to student welfare (except academic standards and policies) including but not limited to:

a) Student Union Facilities
b) Club activities
c) Student rights and responsibilities
d) Student Activities
e) Allocation of student funds

19.1.2 have the sole authority to appoint faculty representation to the Student Affairs Board. The Student Affairs Board recommends to the college administration the allocation of Student Affairs Fees moneys. The committee shall appoint these representatives, as defined by the by-laws of the Student Affairs Board, from the membership of the committee. If no committee member can serve in this capacity, or if there are an insufficient number of committee members able to serve to fulfill the required representation as defined by the by-laws of the Student Affairs Board, the committee shall recruit from outside the committee in the following order: 1. from the membership of the Faculty Senate at large 2. from the general faculty.

19.2 Membership.
The Student Affairs Committee shall consist of three (3) members chosen according to ARTICLE III, Section 2 of the Bylaws. A representative from Student Government: The Student Advocacy Council (SG: TSAC) and a staff member from the Division of Student Affairs will serve as advisory members. (Amended April 2024)

19.3 Student Representation.
A committee representative will regularly meet (at least once a semester) with representatives of SG: TSAC to hear questions, concerns, and opportunities to collaborate from that group.

19.4 Staff Representation.
A committee representative will regularly meet (at least once a semester) with representative of the Division of Student Affairs to hear questions, concerns, and opportunities to collaborate from that group.


Section 20 General Studies Curriculum Review Committee

20.1 Duties.
The duties of the General Studies Committee shall include but not be limited to:

20.1.1 Review and recommend the approval or disapproval to the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee of courses submitted for designation as a General Studies courses, using program guidelines appropriate to the catalog year for which determination is being made.

20.1.2 Review all General Studies courses on a rotating basis of a maximum of seven years and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee regarding the continued General Studies designation of reviewed courses.

20.1.3 Review any proposed changes in the criteria for conferring General Studies designation and forward a recommendation to the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee.

20.1.4 Review transfer courses as detailed in the Curriculum Manual.

20.2 Membership. 
The General Studies Curriculum Review Committee shall consist of eleven (11) members: nine (9) members to be chosen according to ARTICLE III Section 2 of the Bylaws; two (2) advisory members, without a vote, one (1) from the Curriculum, Academic Effectiveness, and Policy Development Office appointed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs or their designee; and the director of General Studies or their designee.


Section 21 Ethnic Studies and Social Justice Curriculum Review Committee

21.1 Duties.
The duties of the Ethnic Studies and Social Justice l Curriculum Review Committee (ESSJCRC) shall include, but not be limited, to the following:

21.1.1 Evaluate each new or existing course proposed to receive Ethnic Studies and Social Justice designation. Evaluate modifications to an existing course with Ethnic Studies and Social Justice designation if forwarded to the ESSJCRC by the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee (FSCC). The evaluation will be based on the proposed syllabus and the Ethnic Studies and Social Justice designation for the course using the Ethnic Studies and Social Justice course criteria described in the University’s Curriculum Guidelines, Policies and Procedures. The ESSJCRC may recommend changes to the syllabus and/or the Ethnic Studies and Social Justice designation form and/or request additional documentation before making a final recommendation of approval or disapproval of the requested Ethnic Studies and Social Justice l designation to the FSCC.

21.1.2 Review any proposed changes to the criteria for conferring the ESSJ designation and forward its recommendation of such changes to the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee. On a rotating basis of a maximum of five years, the ESSJCRC is required to conduct a micro review of the ESSJ description and SLOs to ensure the ESSJ requirement is up to date with current Ethnic Studies trends, pedagogies and disciplinary practices and produce a report to recommend revisions as necessary to be submitted to the Faculty Senate Curriculum Review Committee. 

21.1.3 Share expertise and consult when requested by department chairs, the Office of Transfer Services, or other appropriate offices or committees on issues pertaining to the ESSJ designation at MSU Denver. 

21.1.4 Review all Ethnic Studies and Social Justice designated courses on a rotating basis of a maximum of seven years and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee regarding the continued Ethnic Studies and Social Justice designation of reviewed courses.

21.1.5 Review transfer courses as detailed in the Curriculum Manual.

21.2 Membership
The Ethnic Studies and Social Justice Curriculum Review Committee shall consist of eight (8) members: six (6) Senators to be chosen according to Article III Section 2 of the Bylaws, an additional two (2) advisory members without vote, one (1) appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and (1) from the Curriculum, Academic Effectiveness, and Policy Development Office, appointed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs or their designee. 


Section 22 Faculty Diversity Committee

22.1 Duties.
The Faculty Diversity Committee shall inform and make recommendations to the Senate concerning questions, issues, policies, and practices related to the diversity of all faculty, tenured, tenured-track and both full and part-time non-tenure track. The concerns of this Committee shall include but not be limited to under-represented groups within the faculty (including but not limited to race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, military or veteran status, and disability) in relation to total faculty, to student populations, and to the greater community served by the University. The Committee will liaise annually with a) the Office of Diversity and Inclusion on faculty-facing diversity initiatives, and b) the Associate VP of Student Affairs on student-facing diversity issues.

22.2 Membership.
The Faculty Diversity Committee shall consist of a minimum of four (4) members. Three (3) of the members shall be voting senators, chosen according to ARTICLE III Section 2 of the Bylaws. The fourth member shall be an advisory, non-voting member from the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI), in order to better promote cross campus communication and collaboration. If the committee requires additional members, an ad hoc committee or subcommittee may be created according to ARTICLE IV Section 7 of the Bylaws. At least one member of the committee should attend DEIC meetings (or similar) held by the ODI. The chair of the committee shall consult with the advisory, non-voting member from ODI at least twice a year to ascertain current ODI activities, goals, and projects; the chair shall communicate this information to the committee. The Chair of the Committee shall be responsible for identifying and articulating a clear objective for the committee each year. The
Chair must collaborate with the committee, and it is recommended that the chair consults with the previous chair, Faculty Senate Executive Committee, and/or ODI advisory member when choosing an objective. The Chair of the Committee shall be a member of the Senate and shall be elected by the voting members of the Committee. (Amended May 2024)

Section 23 Professional Leave Committee

23.1 Duties.
The Professional Leave Committee reviews, evaluates, and prioritizes faculty requests for sabbatical and professional development leave.

23.2 Membership.
The committee will consist of seven (7) members, to be chosen to two year terms according to ARTICLE III Section 2 of the Bylaws. The President of the Faculty Senate is responsible for ensuring that the membership of the Professional Leave Committee is representative and has the right to correct any perceived imbalance on the committee. (Amended April 2024)

23.2.1 If a current member is applying for leave, the member must resign from the committee by the Friday of the first full week of classes in the Fall semester.

23.2.2 A committee member can not vote on a proposal the member has voted at an another level.

23.2.3 The committee may aid applicants by, and only by, an announced workshop, but in no case shall members be advocates for their principal academic subdivision’s applicants.

23.3 Reporting Relationship.
The committee is responsible to the President of Senate and works in conjunction with the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

23.3.1 Faculty members submit their requests to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, who will forward requests to the Professional Leave committee for their review.

23.3.2 The Professional Leave committee will review, evaluate, and prioritize the requests. After the Professional Leave committee has determined their priorities, they will forward their recommendations to the President of2Senate and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

23.4. The deadline for submission for all leave proposals is established by the Academic Calendar.

23.5 The committee meets as needed to meet the deadline dates established in the Academic Calendar.


Section 24 Faculty Awards of Excellence Committee (FAEC)

24.1 Duties.
The Faculty Awards of Excellence Committee shall:

24.1.1 Collect nominations, evaluate candidates, and select qualified applicants for the Faculty Awards of Excellence.

24.1.2 Determine the number and type(s) of Faculty Awards of Excellence. Create the policies, processes for application, standards, procedures, and criteria for the Faculty Awards of Excellence.

24.1.3 Create the policies, processes for application, standards, procedures, and criteria for the Faculty Awards of Excellence.

24.2 Membership.
The Faculty Awards of Excellence Committee shall consist of at least ten (10) members: six (6) voting members chosen according to ARTICLE IV, Section 2 of the Bylaws; three (3) voting advisory members from the previous years’ award winners appointed by the Executive Committee; and one (1) non-voting advisory member from The Office of Faculty Affairs.  

Article V - MSU Denver Faculty Trustee

Section 1 Election.

The MSU Denver Faculty Senate shall elect an MSU Denver faculty representative to the MSU Denver Board of Trustees. Every full-time MSU Denver faculty member shall be eligible for nomination and election.

1.1 Duties.
The duties of the Faculty Trustee, in addition to those expressed in the Trustee’s Policy Manual, shall be to inform the Faculty Senate on the deliberations of the Board of Trustees and seek the Senate’s advice with reference to issues considered by the Board of Trustees and proposed changes to the Board of Trustees Bylaws, Board of Trustees Policies and other matters deemed important to faculty. In addition, the faculty Trustee will report to the faculty community and Faculty Senate as soon as practical following each Board of Trustees meeting and will serve as a member of the Handbook Committee.

1.2 Term of Office.
The term of office shall begin the July 1 after election and continue for a period of one year.

1.3 Vacancy.
If the elected representative is unable or unwilling to serve before the term of office has expired, the Executive Committee of the Senate shall select a representative to serve during the un-expired portion of the term of office.

1.4 Representation.
If the faculty member elected to represent the faculty on the Board of Trustees is not a qualified member of the Senate, that faculty member or alternate will be permitted to be a member of the Senate with voting powers.

Article VI - Colorado Faculty Advisory Council Representative

Section 1 Election.

The full-time faculty at MSU Denver shall elect a faculty representative to the Colorado Faculty advisory Council (CFAC) to serve a two-year term. CFAC Representative nominees must be full-time, tenured faculty and obtain the signatures of five MSU Denver tenured or tenure-track faculty members to be eligible for nomination and election.

1.1 Duties.
The duties of the CFAC Representative shall be to attend CFAC meetings, advise the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) on matters affecting higher education statewide, inform the Faculty Senate on the matters deemed important to faculty, and seek the Senate’s advice with reference to issues considered by the CFAC. In addition, the CFAC Representative shall be a voting member of the Faculty Senate and attend all Faculty Senate and Faculty Senate Executive Committee meetings.

1.2 Term of Office.
The term of office shall begin the July 1 after an election and continue for two years.

1.3 Vacancy.
If the elected representative is unable or unwilling to serve before the term of office has expired, the Executive Committee of the Senate shall select a representative to serve during the un-expired portion of the term of office.

1.4 Representation.
If the faculty member elected to represent the faculty on the Colorado Faculty Advisory Council is not a qualified member of the Senate, that faculty member or alternate will be permitted to be a member of the Senate with voting powers.

Article VII - Affiliate faculty Senators

Section 1 Election.

Three affiliate faculty members will be elected by affiliate faculty to serve a one-year term. Affiliate faculty nominees must adhere to teaching requirements as outlined in Article III of the Constitution, and attend Senate Meetings as outlined in Article III, Section 2.4 of the Constitution

1.1 Duties.
Affiliate Senators represent all affiliate faculty employed at MSU Denver and will serve on the Welfare Committee during their term.

1.2 Term of Office.
The term of office shall begin with the last regularly scheduled meeting in the Spring.

1.3 Vacancy.
If the elected representative is unable or unwilling to serve before the term of office has expired, the Executive Committee of the Senate shall select a representative to serve during the un-expired portion of the term of office.

1.4 Representation.
If the faculty member elected to represent Affiliate Faculty is a qualified member of the Senate, that faculty member will be permitted to be a member of the Senate with voting powers.

Article VIII - Amendments to the Bylaws

Section 1

An Amendment to the Bylaws may be initiated by any member of the Senate by presenting it in writing to the Executive Committee.


Section 2

Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws must be presented in writing at least one meeting, regular or special, prior to the Senate meeting at which the vote is taken.


Section 3

The Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 affirmative vote of the Senate at any meeting. Voting shall be by ballot. (Section added 03/28/2012).

Article IX - Communications between the Faculty Senate and the Administration

To promote good communications and mutual understanding between the President of the University and the Faculty Senate, the Senate shall add Article VIII to the Senate Bylaws as follows:

Section 1 Communications.

1.1. Faculty Senate shall promptly consider formal written communications referred to it by the President of the University.

1.2. It is the expectation of the Faculty Senate that President of the University will promptly consider formal written communications referred to them by the President of the Senate

1.3. Whenever the University President, the Provost, or one of their designees appoints an ad hoc committee to deal with policy or planning, it is the expectation of the Faculty Senate that written lines of communication shall be promptly established with the President of the Senate and the Senate Executive Committee.


Section 2 Responses.

2.1 It is the expectation of the Faculty Senate that the President of the University or Presidents designee, who is expected to be the Provost, will promptly respond in writing to formal communications from the Faculty Senate President.

2.2 The Faculty Senate President shall promptly respond in writing to formal communications of the President of the University as soon as the Senate has considered such matters.

(Section added 03/28/2012).

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